Starting out as the brainchild of two charismatic individuals with huge aspirations, Sara Soong and Jarrod Wong introduced Restoration Essence to lead the wave of naturally-inspired solutions.
Years of dynamic research has helped it to build its unique identity; empowering both founders to make a difference with their all-natural brand concept amongst a huge market full of synthetic skincare brands.
When #RESS launched its flagship 'Pandan Series', it consisted of products such as powerful antioxidant serums alongside healthy, tasty cookies, that helped to provide a complete package to its customer's skincare routine and lifestyle. Every product that they've envisioned is hand-made for one purpose: you.
At Restoration Essence, expect the quintessence of natural skincare.
Restoration Essence is one of very few brands in the market that offers skincare products that are all-natural, wholesome and healthy. Our ingredients are carefully sourced and procured so that ONLY top-notch natural crops are fused into our goods.
“Meticulously Made” and “Transparent Process” are just a few of the many acclamations that we've gathered over the years with regards to our production process, and we will continue to uphold these standards that we've built thus far.
Our products are all meticulously hand-made with love. Rest assured that everything we do here at Restoration Essence is carefully and professionally made by us - with you in mind!
We also believe in providing you with transparency by sharing with you our philosophy behind the brand through our workshops and consultations. We want to make your experience with us a fun, enlightening one.
No matter what condition you may be experiencing, feel free to hit us up, and we'll work through it together! Let us walk through this skincare journey together, and look forward to becoming comfortable in your skin once again.
" Skincare Is a Necessity! "
Sara Soong,
Founder of Restoration Essence